
Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)

Although it’s said that most expecting Royal couples pray for sons, this queen longed for a daughter and Snow White was in all aspects the answer to her mother’s wish. But she was to be an only child as the queen took ill and died while Snow White was a young girl. The king, grief stricken with deep despair from the loss of his beloved queen, was lured into battle by a dark force. Never the less, he and his army were victorious and even managed to rescue a chained damsel being held prisoner. The king became enthralled with her beauty and on the very next day they wed, but there was to be no happy honeymoon for the new Royal couple. For she was an evil sorceress, but now she is the evil Queen Ravenna (Charlize Theron). Her spells had well served their purpose so on that night she killed the king, brought in her army and took over his kingdom.
As Queen, she ordered the king’s young daughter to be locked away high up in a tower far from everyone and everything while she ruled the kingdom with her devoted brother Finn (Sam Spruell) at her side. Ravenna’s evil reign was so poisonous that over the years nature turned on itself; the land died, the people turned on one another and eventually all hope was lost. The Queen demands to be the only source of grace and beauty, but even she has a weakness; in fact she herself is the victim of a magical spell, except her’s was cast with love by her mother for protection. Her spell guarantees everlasting beauty, strength and unrelenting powers that can ever only be undone by the blood of one fairer than she. So to keep herself and her spell safe she relies on the truth and wisdom of a magical mirror to reveal“Who is the fairest of them all?” And for the past several years, the answer is always the same. However lately her beauty has been failing until finally one day, the mirror proclaims “On this day, one has come of age fairer even than you…” Snow White (Kristen Stewart) has been allowed to grow up and become the fairest of them all, and now she possesses the only thing that can destroy the Queen, the innocence of Fairest Blood. Gripped with anger and regret the Queen wants her killed but the mirror also informs her that she will achieve immortality by personally holding Snow White’s heart in her hands. Impatiently the Queen orders Finn to retrieve the princess from the tower, but Snow White overpowers Finn during a foolish moment of lax lust. She methodically escapes the tower and the Kingdom and then sets off on a quest to find Duke Hammund (Vincent Regan) with the hope that he can help her regain her father’s kingdom. Snow White swims through the sea and roams the land trying to stay ahead of Finn and the Queens soldiers until she stumbles into the Dark Forest; a disgustingly toxic swamp like wasteland that few have dared to venture and even fewer have survived to boast about. Once again Finn returns to the Queen to report his failure to retrieve the innocent princess, she sends him out to find someone that knows the forest and he returns with a troubled widower. Queen Ravenna commands the Huntsman (Chris Hemsworth) to track and return Snow White, alive; but he refuses and cannot be swayed even by the threat of death. However, she persuades him with the promise of her power to bring his dead wife back to life. That proves to be an offer he can’t refuse. So the Huntsman leads Finn and the Queen’s soldiers out into the Dark Forest and, yes he does find Snow White. But as usual Finn fumbles again, he calls the Huntsman a fool and discloses that not even the Queen’s powers can bring his wife back from the dead. Well, after a scuffle both the Huntsman and Snow White vanish into the gloom of the forest. Meanwhile word of Snow White’s survival and escape has reached the Duke and he’s pleased to pass the news on to his son William (Sam Claflin), Snow White’s childhood best friend. William vows to find her and bring her to their castle for safety. He manages to infiltrate Finn’s search party and over time they finally catch up to Snow White, who by now has collected quite a group of protectors. Never the less, she still needs at least one more as William drops his disguise and pledges his allegiance to her safety, meanwhile the Queen is suffering from the severance of her better half, but the day ends in sorrow when not all protectors survive Finn’s surprised attack. William joins forces with the Huntsman, but to their dismay the Queen musters up enough magic to find Snow White and poison her. Her entourage mistakes her for dead, but continues to deliver her body to the Duke’s Castle; where, YUP, ya know it! True Love’s Kiss revives the fallen princess. And the Duke with his entire kingdom helps Snow White rain H3LL back on the evil Queen as she reclaims her father’s kingdom as the rightful heir.

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