
Mark Zuckerberg, you did it again!

<To be fair, the “Who can look up your Timeline by name?” feature was likely misunderstood by lots of people. At first glance, you might assume it means that strangers can’t find your profile. But that’s incorrect. There have been lots of ways to navigate to your profile, like clicking your name on a photo you’re tagged in, finding your name in a friend’s friend list, or combing through Likes on a mutual friend’s News Feed post.> (http://techcrunch.com/2013/10/10/facebook-search-privacy/). 

Well, duh!

Still, for the first time in its whole entire existence, Facebook took a firm step towards the privacy of its clients. It is a subtle maneuver that required a lot of coding and a lot of brilliant minds. Brace yourselves: the "Friends Requests", "Messages" and "Notifications" icons were moved, in a revolutionary procedure, from the the top left of the screen to the top right of the screen. And you do realize that the fact that Facebook bleached your profile would lead your stalker into a dilemma, right? And they'll never, ever be able to navigate to your profile using photo tags or the propagate search code that I was trying to explain in a previous post?

If you do want to maintain your privacy and your friends' privacy, stop tagging the photos, good people. I do know that is very, very hard for some folks to recognize themselves in pictures, but give them a chance, it's a matter of time. And, once again, I urge you to change the default language from English (US) to English (whatever). If the brilliant people at Facebook realized that the only measure to counter-act invasion of privacy was to switch the buttons from left to right, it means that we might have some IQ tests to perform on them, or they don't care, for that matter. And they don't.