For Phaedra (Freida
Pinto), they are a gift not subject to query but rather an expected way of
life, she is the Sybelline virgin oracle. It’s believed that her dreams,
visions, are messages from the gods. The good, seek these messages as a guide
toward a divine and fulfilling life. But King Hyperion (Mickey Rourke) seeks
Phaedra for her knowledge to locate the Epirus bow. With this bow he will
have his revenge and the power to conquer the gods, take over the world and
rule all of mankind.
You see, way back when
the world was still very young, there was a war in the skies and a great
weapon, the Epirus bow, was lost in the battle. Immortals had once thought they
were above death, but later discovered they did have the power to kill each
other. The victors declared themselves Gods and ruled the heavens from Mt. Olympus;
while they declared the vanquished as Titans and imprisoned them on Earth deep
inside Mt. Tartarus. The gods knew that evil would
rise again someday, but Zeus (Luke Evans) had forbid them by law to intervene
in the affairs of man, hence rendering all powerless to aid or protect against
harm, unless the Titans are released.
Now Hyperion is leading
his merciless Heraklion army across the lands killing everyone and destroying
everything in a vow to find the bow and unleash the Titans. The people of Greece are
defenseless against such evil, but there is one hope; Theseus (Henry Cavill), a
strong young peasant chosen by a god and trained by a wise old man (John Hunt).
After his village is ordered to evacuate, Theseus gets into a throw down with
Lysander (Joseph Morgan) over the safe rite of passage for all. He is offered a
spot in the royal army but rejects the invitation to stay behind and protect
his mother and the other outcasts; while Lysander gets ousted from the army and
later defects to Hyperion. The Heraklions reached Kolpos before the outcasts
could retreat, Theseus was forced to watch while his village is destroyed and
Hyperion kills his mother. He was then taken to work the salt mines along with
several others as slaves. That’s where, near death, he meets Phaedra and her
ladies, and is urged to stay alive. Later that night she escapes with him, a
monk, Daerios and Stavros (StevenDorff) a thief; while her ladies fulfill their
duty by pretending to be her, so she can get away. After a brief discussion
Phaedra realizes that Theseus must return to Kolpos to give his mother a proper
burial, and while inside the crypt he makes a pledge to his mother that her
family will not die with him. He finds something odd about the strange rock
beside her vault and breaks it apart, inside, a magnificent magical weapon, the
fabled Epirus Bow. But then he gets attacked by Hyperion’s beast. Oh man,
Theseus becomes a mighty warrior and decapitates the gruesome brute, meanwhile
outside, Daerios falls dead at the hands of heathens. Theseus rears his magical
bow and with four true shots, kills the Heraklion soldiers. Later that night
while tending to his wounds, Phaedra seduces Theseus with an intimate embrace
of her own desire to be touched and loved as a common mortal woman and freed
from the burden of her visions. The next morning they all regroup outside and
set course to return to the monastery, where with bow in hand, Theseus plans to
protect Mt. Tartarus and save his people by
vanquishing the evil King Hyperion and his forces.
"It's not living, as
such, that's important. It's living rightly!"
Immortals should not be
viewed as a young Family Flick. However, with action, drama and fantasy,
it is another Must See Movie!
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